Thursday, February 28, 2019

Soul Calibur VI

The last entry I played in this series was II.

Now, 15 years later, the gameplay is still the same, as I realize that the move sets of characters are identical and embody them.

Soul Calibur VI brings back the fan favourite characters, and the franchise is no stranger to guest characters, as so far, Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher and 2B from NieR: Automata have arrived.

My favourite remains Yoshimitsu, a character who is well known for appearing in both Soul Calibur and Tekken as a combatant.

The meat is of course the (online) multiplayer, and so far, I’ve had frantic trash talking evenings with some of my buddies, cursing the special moves, the ring outs and “doing the same thing over and over”.

Soul Calibur VI is everything positive I remember from II, and it's a good thing that the fighting genre is still so much alive and kicking.

Rating: 8.2

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