Thursday, March 30, 2017

Top 10 Wii U Games

With the Wii U now officially discontinued and figuratively pronounced dead, while it's successor has been released and available for almost a month now, it's a convenient time for me to put up the top 10 Wii U games.

As usual, what I consider to be top 10 material is for me subjective, objective scores can obviously help with measuring the entertainment factor most of all, but this is how present it. As of this writing, I have not played Yoshi's Woolly World and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild yet, so naturally, they will be excluded.

#10: New Super Luigi U

It never comes close towards the hardest Mario platformer which is Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels NES version, where precise platforming and memorizing are key towards progressing. Still, New Super Luigi U is recommendable for those looking for a bit more coming at their platforming ways.

#9: Pikmin 3

After a long hiatus, part 3 brings HD graphics to gorgeous results, while introducing 2 new species and a way of navigation via the Wii U Game Pad. Interesting new tactics are available, and the time system returns to prioritize your commands.

#8: Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2 is ultimately a better sequel, a very hectic and stylish action adventure with giant and supernatural enemies, more girl pop music, a co-op mode, unlockables and replayability in the form of high scores, challenge and achievements.

#7: Splatoon

An exciting and succesful new IP with interesting physics, presentation and gameplay in order to provide you with pure entertainment. Fast paced battles and a stylish soundtrack will keep you returning towards the multiplayer.

#6: Super Mario Maker

I can definitely recommend this as a no-brainer for anyone who is a Super Mario fan, who grew up with these legendary platformer games, who like to play and judge the creations from others and/or who want to attempt to be creative and inspiring with level design in general.

#5: Xenoblade Chronicles X

XCX is a highly graphical experience as you are able to basically explore everything that is observable thanks to the Skells, with fun combat and giant landscapes to discover, you will get value, but there are also many minor nitpicks from me personally.

#4: Super Mario 3D World 

Super Mario 3D World is entertaining with friends, has enough creative new ideas implemented, is long enough to play and collect through it's experiences and also has several new cool songs. It's a very good step in the right direction and very well made.

#3: Mario Kart 8 

In overall, Mario Kart 8 builds upon previous titles mildly, with no true innovations as far as I can see, but the formula continues to work as this franchise remains one of Nintendo's most profitable and most entertaining, as it is easily targeted for anyone from young to old.
#2: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Tropical Freeze is one of the best platformers I have ever played. Aquatic and ice bound levels truly return this time, there are tons of collectibles, secrets and other stuff to do, Funky Kong will help you out with his shop if needed and it clearly shows that Donkey Kong remains relevant and he is here to stay.

#1: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

The ultimate and latest version of Super Smash Bros. has arrived, and Wii U's incarnation is simply sublime on so many levels. It carries over 3DS's core gameplay, but adds on top of that exciting new features, HD graphics and more content than ever before.
Honestly, I'm in overall disappointed by the Wii U's small quality and quantity based library, and it's actually the worst from Nintendo so far from me, not even N64 or Wii come close to this! I can only wish the Nintendo Switch a much better run, from beginning to end.

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