Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools' Day

You know, despite being born on April the 1st, 1988, I never really took much notice towards the actual event of April Fools' Day. The desire or tradition to spread jokes and hoaxes towards each other on this date is a cliche but nonetheless remains potentially interesting.

People have never attempted to fool me in combination with my birthday, and that's just fine. Otherwise I wouldn't mind sharing some examples, but that is not the case for me. Still, you can't fool me for not having a birthday today, so this oughta be a challenge.

Nowadays, I mostly notice the jokes and hoaxes appearing from over the internet, usually on April the 2nd, where articles will pop up which will share the best examples, such as Google Maps turning into an 8-bit presentation.

I think it's a harmless tradition to perform pranks, but people can sometimes go too far. There are several origin stories, but as far as The Netherlands goes, it's attributed towards a Dutch victory at Brielle in 1572.

Anyhow, April Fools' Day is meant to be fun nowadays. Despite knowing that the day is coming annually, people still are turning into April Fools once their friends or family play a succesful prank on them.

It never was a joke however that I was born on this date!!!

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