Monday, June 10, 2013

Cartoon Memories

There was something special about saturday morning cartoons on television. Besides that the day was just starting, cartoons from the 90's for me just set me up for a cozy mood and excitement to see what I would experience next.

Shows such as The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!, which aired a bit later than in North America, where unlike anything else I had seen before. Real life actors portraying video game characters with funny jokes and guest appearances, combined with an actual cartoon that surely was entertaining back in the day, but is now mostly remembered on the internet as some funny memes such as "Mama Luigi" and "Lots of spaghetti".

Then there were the more awesome and cool shows such as Biker Mice from Mars, of which I can remember only the intro song(which might be the case with all of the cartoons I remember), Batman: The Animated Series, X-Men: The Animated Series and Spider-man: The Animated Series.

Villains would usually steal the show in those last 3, but nevertheless the heroes deserve some credit as well for standing out. It's interesting to note that comics and cartoons were considered for childs only at first, but if you use the mediums in a serious way, they can be thoughtful as well, just like video games.

Humoristic ones are not forgotten either, such as Tazmania, The Road Runner Show, Looney Tunes, Animaniacs, Eek! The Cat, The Terrible Thunderlizards, Ren and Stimpy and frankly I am sure that I am missing out on a few others.

Now the word cartoon can be defined in more than one way, but I remember seeing shows such as the Power Rangers, The Muppets and other "cartoony" ones as well, but I realize that they aren't all the exact same.

Still, they are part of my childhood memories so it's nice to think back upon them amidst this current age of massive amounts of information which I seem to absorb lots of every day thanks to the internet, mobile phones and more social interactivity.

Nowadays, anime still sparks my interest despite having declined for many years already personally, but perhaps I can talk more about that in another future post. Other animated series I might watch in the present with friends are the ones with adult jokes, such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park and Futurama.

I never watched popular series or even cartoonish movies such as Godzilla, Transformers or SpongeBob SquarePants, because they weren't available for me. I have no clue if I will ever give them or others I failed to mention a try, but who knows.

All I do know for sure is that I am glad to have experienced these wacky and crazy animated or fantasy series. I am totally ignorant of today's generation, but the last thing I remember is that just about every show was getting translated into Dutch, and the results were horrible and painful.

Original dubs over adapted ones any day.

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