Sunday, May 31, 2020


One of the most recognizable sports out there, my dad used to let me and my brother go play baseball at the organization called UVV, which practices honkbal & softbal. This happened through my late childhood to early teens.

I'm happy to find out that the organization still exists at . Anyway, I used to play this not only at the club, but back at school too during the warmer months, especially the summer.

There's not much I can remember in regards to memories. Once upon a time, I was not conscious once that a home run was made, and at another time, when the grass was very wet, I turned 180 degrees in order to run back home, but then I fell down hard, but it was funny then, and a laughing afterthought now.

Softball is the softer version, while honkbal is basically baseball in Dutch, they can also be classified for youth and adult. Other than that, the rules are practically the same. As I type this out, I cannot seem to remember anyone from my baseball mates or teachers either, it has been so long. Although, I still have a group picture somewhere.

Still, the spirit of the sport itself remains vivid, and during life, I noticed how very popular it is in especially the United States and Japan. Some interesting movies have been made about the sport too, and I believe that The Sandlot(1993) resonates the most with me.

Baseball is a wonderful sport.


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