Thursday, August 29, 2019

Video Game Fatigue

I have been taking a break from this hobby.

It might have been 2.5 months since the last time I played a video game seriously on my own. The game that caused me to temporarily stop was Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the Nintendo Switch. I really wanted to get through it, but it's pacing was definitely not as stunning as part 1 on the Nintendo Wii.

J/WRPG's with grind elements are more likely to be less likable for me the older I get. Additionally, there isn't much on the horizon for me to get excited about for 2019, with the exception of Death Stranding becoming something impactful.

Thirdly, life just has been busy in general. My job consumes a lot, as do the regular chores, the social network, studies, country trips and being less energetic in general. It's not just video game fatigue, but I am highlighting it considering that it has happened.

It might be a buzzword, but it basically means that it's good to take a break once in a while if it gets too much. In the mean time, movies and TV-series are filling up my leisure time while I multi task it with daily activities.

I'm sure that once I return and start over with a few new games, that my passion and enjoyment will be, as well, which will also provide freshly newly written reviews for Flok Factory. After all, a factory without production is like a game without a gamer.

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