Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Singularity is Near

A futuristic insight into the decades to come as to how the Singularity will probably unfold as told by Kurzweil. The Singularity means several things, but to summarize it, it would mean when man and machine are fused, and the differences can no longer be told apart, whether by appearance, intelligence or empirical senses.

He predicts numerous things that will happen as the 21st century continues along, including that “strong” artificial intelligence will shape up our reality and ascend or transcend it, nanotechnology of which the most quoted example are the nanobots who will assist us internally through our blood, bones, flesh and brain cells, and other stuff.

The Singularity is Near is for the most part a pleasant and thought provoking read, but Kurzweil at one point did spam me with countless of charts to show me growth etc. which annoyed me.  

Rating: **

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