Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Cuphead is a success story, and it instantly caught everyone´s eye back at Microsoft´s E3 2014 press conferece.

The art style is pretty much a revitalization of cartoon animations from the 30´s, and easily it´s selling point. Consisting of surrealistic and subversive proportions, it´s almost impossible not to adore and respect the animation seen here, and it´s even more impressive when the game is designed by two brothers.

Citing run and gun video games and the success of Super Meat Boy as other inspirations and motivations for developing this, Cuphead is essentially a boss marathon similar to Alien Soldier and the recent Furi, as the game has 30 bosses for you to face either single or in co-op over 4 areas.

Contra and Metal Slug instantly came to mind when Cuphead is compared, as the controls are tight, you can shoot in 8 directions, you can jump down, you can switch between different weapons, you can duck and you you will get hit and die a lot.

But practice makes perfect, and the game's challenge and difficulty can be overwhelming, but the replay value and attempting to beat the boss is high. Aside from the graphics, I consider the enemy variety and design to be simply superb and top notch material.

Combine that with the jazzy soundtrack, the cartoonish audio sounds, and the stereotypical settings and their enemies you would expect to face, and you've got a very impressive title. You can also parry certain bullets and interact with pink stuff to trigger things, and you can activate special attacks, air dash and equip charms.

The overworld reminded me the most of Commander Keen's overworlds, except that instead of huge levels awaiting you, it is for the most part huge bosses awaiting you, each with their own segmented forms to keep things fresh and hectic.

I can't praise Cuphead enough, and I would highly recommend it not only towards run and gun plus shoot em' up fans, but also to those who want to play only the best available indie games, and this easily sits among other highly entertaining titles I previously reviewed like Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, La-Mulana and Super Meat Boy.

Rating: 8.4

P.S. You might be wondering why this is listed for this month. Well, it has some spooky enemies, and it features The Devil as the final boss, aaaand there are many evil foes to defeat. :)

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