Monday, February 27, 2017

Downloadable Content: Season of Infamy

Arkham Knight is of course an excellent modern game, and it's debatable if it, City or Asylum can be considered the best, while Origins is labeled as the black sheep and the least innovative. Now, let's take a quick look at the most interesting DLC, which is Season of Infamy.

Four new "Most Wanted" missions gradually come available as you advance further into the main story, each offering something different. I'm sure you have grown accustomed to Mad Hatter's delusional mind games, and here it's not different really, as the obsession with Alice never ends.

Killer Croc's "stranded" ship sets the stage for rescueing victims, while also chasing after the muscled crocodile humanoid, and then ending in a tag boss battle match, which is somewhat amusing. The end scene depicting Nightwing seems to suggest that it happens before some other Most Wanted is even arrested, or not.

Mr.Freeze and his wife Nora have an emotional farewell to Batman, Gotham City and all others standing in Victor's way, and this time, you are actually helping him out getting away before Arkham Knight/Deathstroke's thugs and drones get the job done.

Ra's al Ghul's quest is likely the most intriguing, as the mission involves continueing the legacy of the League of Shadows, or not. With a hospital as a main setting and the fact that you will have to track quite a few routes, this one will most likely be remembered the most.

Season of Infamy is in overall an alright expansion, but nothing major really happens. The main game and the main side Most Wanted missions more than enough make up for that, but it's always nice if you get treated even more with Batman's unstoppable rogue gallery.

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