Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Planned Obsolescence

Here are words you don't see everyday. What do they mean? Planned obsolescence is a policy of planning or designing a product in various industries that makes products obsolete after a certain amount of artificial time.

For instance, smartphones are getting new releases on a yearly basis nowadays, and because of that, there is also a psychological obsolescence happening simultaneously. Because developers say that there is room for improvement.

Functionality, ergonomics, technology and accessibility are reasons given for following this design decision in companies. What they don't state are the disadvantages as well as the real reason for this, which is profit, or better yet, continual profit.

The greatest disadvantage is the enormous waste of resources that are briefly formed into these lifespan limited products so that in the end they become nothing more than waste articles and disposable objects that either get a reservation in their specific junkyard, or a one way trip into the flames.

Smartphones are one of the best examples I can give about my position on this matter, because of someone's mad idea that pumping out these babies in such a short time could be considered normal, and it has become so.

Instead of making the best product that is rich fully designed for at least 10 years, this policy is happening because of capitalism and the free market to implement the craziest policies, legislation's and regulations.

These are of course fastened developing times, but I wish that development would have much more time for products to roll out primarily for their usefulness instead of wasteful decisions such as fashion style, artificial time killers, psychological illusions and eliminating backwards compatibility.

Planned obsolescence is here to stay for a while, unfortunately. ALMOST no company creates products for sustainability, rather, research labs and other scientific investigations do, so why do they keep getting mass produced?

Because men crave for improvement, how vaguely and misguided that can mean. Face it people, the planet has finite resources, and there cannot be infinite economic growth. That growth is one of the most insidious accepted delusions out there.

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