Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man


Over the last years I would traditionally end the year with a science book review. This time, it's different.

Recommended by me through my largest current inspiration source, this book is a hidden insight and revelation about the underground world of so called EHM's or economic hit man, who all have smart and subtle ways of achieving goals, but mainly prompt third world countries to sign huge loans towards the U.S.A. and then enter a blackhole of debt, making them forever enslaved economically.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is written by one of these hidden ex-economic agents themselves, John Perkins. As he details a large biography about entering this corrupt and system connected world, he realizes at one point through many self reflections that what he is doing towards others is wrong.

There are many benefits of becoming such a specialized economist consultant. Money, sex, power and reputation are among the highest reasons. Perkins has also traveled to many developing countries while seeing himself as some sort of middleman, between poverty and wealth.

Corporatocracy is a combined word of corporations, banks and governments working together in order to establish connections, profits, power and abundance while systematically looking for natural resources or markets to harvest from through the golden fists of capitalism.

Globalization and privatization are major relevant fields which currently shape up what we see around the world; ones which are connected more than ever, but ones who can also play with rules and laws more than ever.

Forecasting econometrics, projects and statistics in foreign countries and reporting back to private companies is what EHM's do. Should inquiry, negotiation or other means of communications not work, the so called "jackals" are then send out to deal with the higher positioned people.

As a final resort, the military is send in, so that males and females can start dying. Oil companies are numerously mentioned in this book which work together with U.S.A administrations and other powerful establishments in order to exploit the middle and lower classes in any victimized country.

The fallacious concepts of economic development as claimed by the corporatocracy shouting out meaningless words like freedom and democracy alongside flat out system bound lies is a major reason why poverty continues to exist.

Confessions on an Economic Hit Man is an eye opener about huge events which have happened in the last decades, and the evil driving force that is behind the motivations for political, social and economic changes; the global corporatocracy and the global and largest empire the world has ever seen.

Rating: ***(out of 4)

And with a hundred entries this year, I will see you in 2015!

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