Sunday, January 6, 2013

Upcoming Promising Games in 2013

Welcome to Flok Factory!

I am pleased to announce that there will be a lot more posts available in the early months. February will specifically be dedicated towards PS3 reviews, that's right. A lot of these posts will be game related. I would like to keep the diversity going regarding the available content, but that will have to wait for awhile.

For now, let's take a quick look at some of the upcoming promising games for 2013, the ones that interest me the most.

The third installment is looking to be the most ambitious yet, as the scope of the setting has changed from an underwater city to a floating city in the sky, and mobility has been boosted up.

We can expect new exciting powerups alongside your usual arsenal of weapons, but what interested me the most about the previous BioShock has arguably always been about the background of what's happened. Especially the radio logs gave the locations emphasize upon them, but all of the propaganda, marketing and catchphrase posters are a very good second place for creating immersion.

That post is still coming about this franchise somewhere this year, as I hinted upon with the 999 post previous year already. Ace Attorney 5 will be the first 3D debut of the visual novel franchise, and it's looking fabulous already with the fluent animations presented.

With the return of Phoenix Wright, some have wondered what will become of Apollo Justice. Perhaps AA 5 itself will have the two re-unite oncemore, and explain the shift of switching main protagonists. Anyhow, I am definitely excited for the new cases. As always, the last case will most likely be the most dramatic, complex and satisfying.

A bit dissapointed that this got delayed to the second quarter according to my latest resources. It has been more than a decade already since Pikmin appeared on the Nintendo GameCube, and it's easily a unique strategy game what with the game mechanics, the natural environment and the playable creatures.

Pikmin 2 was a superior sequel for many reasons, including the multiplayer, the encyclopedia, the enemy design and for removing the stressful limited time between days. It looks like part 3 will have the limited time feature once again, but I trust that Miyamoto knows what he is doing, and will surely give us something to compensate for it.

It took a very long while, but Luigi's Mansion 2 is finally coming to the Nintendo 3DS. The original was a gorgeous looking game for it's time, with spooky sceneries, lightning effects and it's one of the earliest games available for the console.

Dark Moon will have several mansions instead of 1, and from what I have heard of it, the gameplay seems to have improved tremendously. And if only the length of the game has been deepened, and special portrait ghosts will make a return, consider me a faithful buyer then.

I only recently found out that this title is in development by none other than the the original team behind the first two games. Whatever you may think about the controversity of the franchise, the games were fun back in the days, primarily for trying to wreck the opponents's cars and then being able to acquire those cars for later playthroughs. Killing humans was only secondary compared to the score system, the powerups, the diversity of the cars and the motivating music!

Still, I gotta be skeptical with this one before getting too excited. The developers should definitely take a look at similar modern games such as GTA before they forget what makes the money flow these days. And I definitely do not want another N64 version of Carmageddon, ever again.

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