Saturday, August 22, 2020

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

An update of the 2004 book, Perkins reflects back and realizes that the American empire has become much worse, full of fear and debt.

“False economics. Threats, bribes, extortion. Debt, deception, coups, assassinations and unbridled military power. These are the tools used by the corporatocracy' - a vast network of corporations, banks, colluding governments and rich and powerful individuals - to ensure that they retain and expand their wealth and influence, growing richer and richer as the poor become poorer.”

With 15 new chapters to upgrade, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man unveils and reminds that economic espionage's remain booming business, all for the elite to consume and become more rich, while others succumb.

He doesn’t believe in a large conspiracy, but more in smaller ones, it’s all in the details. New technology including mass surveillance, drone strikes and rigging poll elections all serve to meet the economical, political and social targets of those who uphold authority and power.

John describes the current Western model as a death economy, and argues that China as a rising superpower is attempting to emulate it. Instead of pursuing globalization, capitalism and neo liberalism, maybe it’s time for a new live economy, which is fair for all, instead of the 1 percent.

At the end he gives out things that students, adult, elderly and corporations can do in order to make the world a better sustainable, peaceful and loving place, with action points filled out. It’s not just about having a positive mindset, it’s about activism and inspiring actions too.

John’s personal life as an Economic Hit Man was interesting to read again too, as he learned much about how countries work and serve an interest for the United States, such as Panama, Ecuador, Iraq, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man reminds that greed is of all times.

 Rating: ***

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