Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cobra Kai


Out of nowhere, the cultural phenomenon of the Karate Kid movie trilogy’s saga continues as a TV series, as Daniel’s main rival Johnny revives the Cobra Kai dojo in modern times 34 years later, recruits his new pupils and is basically looking for redemption.

I binge watched season 1 with interest, nostalgia and entertainment, it was great to see Daniel and Johnny returning and continuing with martial arts, and the new generation was also nice to follow their arcs. Cobra Kai is a funny, exciting and intriguing look at martial arts, a throwback to the 80’s, and likable characters.

A great follow up to the first season, now that Miguel became the champion of the tournament, the overall story continues between him, Johnny, Daniel, Robby, Samantha and the rest of the gangs, including newcomer Tory, and the intimidate return of John Kreese.

Cobra Kai Season 2 has a fun overall continuation of the characters interacting and clashing, and the pacing was addictive. Relationships and martial arts are combined effectively, while references continue to be made to The Karate Kid trilogy.

With a wide-open cliff-hanger, a season 3 is inevitable! Johnny remains my favorite character to follow, but the rest of the older and younger people are very likable too. I think that the series does a great job at looking at the past and moving forward.

It also naturally resonates me with Kenpo Karate, as I reminisce back on it.

Overall rating: 8.0

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