Thursday, June 20, 2019

John Wick

Unrealistic, but highly entertaining, it's a revenge story where an ex-hitman systematically takes out dozens, almost hundreds of thugs for destroying his life. John Wick is a stylized action thriller that glorifies the violence and even mocks itself parodically in a little video game sequence. Keanu Reeves plays a convincing and intimidating anti-hero, and many other familiar faces appear such as Willem DaFoe, Michael Nyqvist and Ian Mcshane.

Rating: 7.5

Explosive sequel on a larger scale, Chapter 2 sees John Wick taste the consequences of present and past business. A picture beautifully filmed for it’s cinematography, the story is weak, but the action is top notch and so easily beats out the majority of action movies. Like the original, it sacrifices realism in order to focus on a buildup first half, and then finishes it off with a thrilling fast paced second part in a world of assassins, all the while civilians and normal life occur in between. Easily setting up for another sequel, I can’t wait to see if they will be able to topple this one, headshot count included!

Rating: 8.0

Parabellum is one continuing ride of top tier action sequences. The choreography is epic and creative. The movie is absolutely brutal. The pleasant surprise is that the movie is filled with genuine hilarious comedic moments. I was also pleasant to see Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman, the final villains from The Raid 1 & 2, doing a fight scene with Keanu Reeves.

Rating: 8.0

Story wise, apart from the motivation being the dog with sentimental value, these movies are all about the excellent action choreography and the stylish underground world of assassins, markers and

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