Sunday, June 17, 2018

The New Human Rights Movement


Reinventing the Economy to end Oppression.

This is Peter Joseph's latest work, an activist which I admire, for his Zeitgeist trilogy, Culture in Decline TV series and his overall intelligence has given me numerous foods for thoughts about the present and future world.

It describes structurally and in depth as to what is wrong with global society's current systems, such as the free market, capitalism, business, the terms "Freedom and democracy" and negative terms such as poverty, terrorism and cultural violence.

While citing other prominent figures such as Martin Luther King, Noam Chomsky and James Gilligan, Joseph lets the readers go through 5 chapters which are about Socioeconomic inequality, Social mythologies, a Spectrum of disorders, Interconnected systems and how to Transcend into a better efficient, sustainable and designed system.

It's more or less recognizable content from his previous work, but more updated to present developments, while he continues with his Zeitgeist Movement to spread awareness of what is really wrong with the world today.

The New Human Rights Movement is a resourceful and well thought out book that is essential into identifying how complex institutions and ideas work, and it also offers a proposal of ideas on how things can improve globally.


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