Sunday, November 15, 2015

Recent Developments

As 2015 is drawing to an end and after time seems to have fastened for this year, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my own recent developments and share these with whoever are intrigued by my personal life.

First off, I have been having different IT jobs, increasing my work experience in this branche and I have also been saving money, because I had the intention this year to move towards a home of my own. For various reasons, I had to switch work environments.

Because of these developments, moving out was not possible yet. I hope to see this happening in the upcoming months so that I can move on. It will definitely feel great once this finally starts happening where I will be able to determine my own future completely.

A true vacation, other than having experienced nice weekends in Germany and Switzerland, was not possible either. That's why it has been delayed towards next year, and it seems very likely that it will happen and become another very memorable trip.

Inbetween all this alongside my social life, my hobbies, my family and other time consumers, I have attempted to start learning Russian, because I find the language to sound interesting, and I dig their movies as well, such as Come and See(1985).

Although I can read and pronounce the Russian alphabet now, I still have a long way to go with this, and this experience has also been delayed from various factors. However I really enjoyed what I have taught myself so far, and some of the tools I have used include making Russian and Ukranian friends via Skype and Interpals, Russian apps, books and websites.

Last of all, and this is more of a future interest I have which could develop into a dream, I have been observing YouTube celebrities that follow and provide game industry topics, and it might just happen that once I have my own place to stay in, that Flok Factory will no longer be just a blog, but a channel, a stream and a website too. And perhaps not just about video games as well then.

Nothing is for certain, but I have been having thoughts about recording equipment, contents with themes and more for this project to happen, just to see if people are interested in my opinion at all, aside from the people I know personally.

Flok Factory simply is still a lonely blog which is pretty much only read by me. But I enjoy writing, and I wonder if I could take the next step and indeed start getting an audience next year which just might start following me around the internet, which would be interesting.

Let's see how the future will shape up.

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