Sunday, September 13, 2015

Downloadable Content: Mario Kart 8

It's time to discuss DLC from various games this month.

Nintendo has entered the downloadable content scene as well, and from the top of my head, Mario Kart 8 happens to be one of the first, if not one of the most full fledged deals seen from their end so far.

There are not 1, but 2 tempting DLC packs, each of them consisting of 8 additional tracks to deepen replay value. A typical Mario Kart game nowadays consists of 4 cups with 16 new tracks, alongside 4 retro cups with older tracks. With these packs, we basically got another new Mario Kart game technically.

Not only that, but new characters towards the franchise are playable for the first time, such as Link or Villager, and some have already concluded that the next entry just might be called Nintendo Kart. Alongside them, most of them have a representable track to enjoy.

Although not really included as DLC is the so called 200.CC mode, the first time where the series has gone beyond the usual 150.CC mode. In here, the speed of the karts has gone even faster, making it almost feel like a lite F-Zero version. It's a fun extra addition, but fairly, some of the tracks are kind of ruined by it.

This is what Mario Kart 8 currently offers. There have been rumors about a third DLC pack getting announced soon, but if you ask me I am more than content with this already. Well, except for the battle mode I guess, which I already pointed out in my review. Then it would instantly become the best entry available.

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