Friday, September 5, 2014

Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a masterpiece of satirical and political proportions, playing out as a fiction where a group of animals rebel the humans away, and then attempt to rule over themselves. Despite being released in 1945, I recognized many totalitarianism traits.

Which all came back towards the perfect example I can give nowadays, which is North Korea. Examples such as Leader, propaganda, creating a false enemy, slavery, communism, dictatorship, famine, cannibalism and much more can all be found here.

Even though Nineteen Eighty-Four is more influential and effective, I prefer Animal Farm's simple fable or fairy tale premise even. It's a short story that makes a complete parody of the old Soviet Union's ways of controlling the people through their political systems.

And it has some very disturbing scenes awaiting the reader. George Orwell has made two of the most influential dystopian books out there, and it should be easy to always start discussions surrounding the controversies touched and spoken of.

Rating: ****(out of 4)

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