Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Arkham Origins

In this prequel, Batman admittedly gets way too much partygoers being uninvited for the corruption sandbox of Gotham City on Christmas Eve, where every place and corner is filled with criminal activities and our hero's to do list seems to be endless.

Folks around the pipe tubes of the world's largest community have described the caped crusader's latest adventure as repetitive, unrealistic, uninspiring and more of the same. Yet I can only agree with one critical point pointing out at the bugs and glitches that have been reported by anonymous individuals.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's the deal with Arkham Origins, but what makes this different from the likes of Call of Duty sequels? The content actually matters. Unlike the hidden intel reports scattered around the battlefields, I would rather hunt for Enigma's extortion datapacks instead.

What's that? Are you saying that the fluent combat has become tedious? Then why won't you differentiate between your tactical choices and consider spicing up the experience by oh I don't know, using your surroundings?

Doesn't that invitational anthem for the Bat's fearful entrance pump and strike your auditory channels as the unseen citizens but mainly the criminals are confounded by the major events that are playing out here and there?

Don't you see the beauty of the chaos that the most wanted quirkies provide on the night of Christmas Eve? Are you not feeling the excitement of the trash that needs to be cleaned up from the streets? DON'T YOU FEEL LIKE A DARK COMPLEX VIGILANTE WITH HONORABLE IDEALS?

No? Then I am sorry to inform that this game is not made for you. Go ahead, make fun of the presentation, nitpick about empty complaints and close it off with a "not an average" rating. Do yourself the worst and get on with living.

For the rest of us that do enjoy Batman media with quality design, this is for you. Enhancing and unexpected boss battles, a long grocery list for the dark knight, an exciting main plot and a more elegant Gotham City than the rusty and dirty Arkham City.

The rogue gallery's list is frankly overwhelming for a single night, but the same excuse can be said for the absence of normal Gotham citizens almost never found in Old or New Gotham. Must I remind you that Toads do not usually casually walk around near Goomba's and Koopa Troopa's?

Do you understand that these are still premature times before the time comes that supposedly every videogame must have innocent NPC's? This will never hapen, and that is why Arkham Origins's decision making is tolerable and entertaining.

Bring it on Anarky, with your critical judgment against capitalism. Take control of the power Black Mask, with your vast resourcefulness. Continue to harness your reputation Deathstroke, but eventually accept defeat.

Admittedly, Arkham Origins is essentialy more of the same content and gameplay wise, but it's story is strongly represented, Joker and Bane were outstanding for their introductions, character developments are tight and boss fights are challenging, diverse and unpredictable.

If Origins is considered to be filler when speaking of the big Rocksteady rumor, then it must be the best filler game I have ever played. Do not dismiss this prequel folks, do not shy away from the critics. I had a ton of fun with this one, and it can easily sit together with City and Asylum.


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