Monday, April 1, 2013

Quarter of a Century

It is no joke that I was born on this day.

What follows is after a quarter of a century being alive, these are my current noteworthy memories, opinions, experiences and beliefs, in general. I will try to keep personal connections as limited as possible, and give you an overview of a general profile of mine alongside trivial information that continues to be important for me.

So life has been the most interesting since that seems to be everything or nothing. In these 25 years, I've been very lucky, with a terrific childhood full of happy memories with plenty of friends to play around with, a great family and I have been very spoiled.

School was finished well, and I am still studying, mainly for the challenge. Through the years I did many kinds of sports: tennis, baseball, swimming, chess. And now Kenpo Karate has consumed my main physical activities since I was 18.

The internet has broadened my worldwide view through educational sites and sooner or later I got more interested into the big topics such as politics, religion and science. Strangely, this wasn't as much as when I was at school. Perhaps because I could decide by my own from now on on what to learn and read about.

At the age of 17, I started developing my own religion, simply because I could. After fleshening it out so to speak, I decided to compress it into a future video game instead, which I still have to develop. That is one goal I intend to accomplish, creating my own game.

My view on beliefs in general is agnostic atheism. That means that I disregard the organized religions for they have the burden of proof, while I do not disclose that a higher intelligence could exist. In this case, extraterrestials and entities beyond the materialistic world are the same for me with respect towards my position.

Politically, my support lies with the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project. The former says that the marketing and the monetary system have become outdated. The monetary system in particular has become obsolete since reports came out of certain resources getting more scarce and whenever the next huge bailout happened.

There are many topics discussed during the Zeitgeist films about these systems that have made me support their stance on the current state of the world. Planned obsolescence for example I find to be a ridiculous policy. Or how money is created and the whole idea about debt and seeing how it's played out.

The Venus Project offers a possible, non-utopian, non any "ism" (capitalism, communism etc.) solution or replacement towards the current status quo globally using the tools known as science and technology.

In order to cleanse the world from poverty, war, crimes and corruption in the biggest way imaginable, we must share the resources and needs as a common heritage for all the world's people in order for humanity, nature and technology to co-exist.

That, and making all of these resources abundant and sustainable, so that we will be able to live out our lives much better. Jacque Fresco has always fascinated me because he makes so much sense during the examples and life experiences he gives to others.

For example, he says that everyone should not only have clean air and rations, but a relevant education as well. He means that the current educational system is outdated as well and in the future people should learn a global language that everyone else understands, similar to math, chemistry or physics. Without cultural differences so to speak.

Racism by the way is the biggest baseless ideology for me, it's such a shame that it exists. Ethnic cleansing is a sub-topic that is disturbing for me, whoever thought of that one surely created some nasty consequences.

Enough about my opinions and positions, let's talk about something I have yet to experience. Love hasn't come for me yet, but I keep trying to approach it and in the mean time pursue hope and keep myself busy. It's the hardest "thing" to achieve for me. I know a lot about it, but it remains the strangest and illogical status.

I also have a bucket list for a life time, or rather several backlogs. I pursue dreams and wishes, but know that everything has their place and time, even with all of my backlogs I constantly update and plan, practically events change all the time.

And as said several times in other posts vaguely, video gaming remains my number one passion. I am thankful that I am able to have the luxury to continue doing this. I've had SO many positive emotions coming out from them, and well, I just really like them. :)

Cinema and traveling are the other two big occassions to do for me. I've seen a ridiculous amount of the former already, most of all with content, while the latter has only begun for me. Truly I am a hobbyist who enjoys to try out new stuff.

My own blog, Flok Factory. Of course I have enjoyed writing up all of those posts so far! Some of them were harder than others, but I hope that whoever has read them so far from around the world(as I can see at the overview statistics) has enjoyed the entries as well. I have been writing and reviewing a lot since 2006, while I started with FF in 2010.

So after a quarter of a century, I've surely had a great time so far in general! And by the way this post was my attempt at talking about my life in general, I don't think that I was too personal with details here.

Let me end the post with one of my own quotes that I agree with:

"Life is uncertain, unfair and unbelievable."

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