Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Factory

Officially called DeFabrique, however, for the sake of this blog, and any English readers, let's call it by it's title listed above.

As my current work location, the place is a large maze, as all the newcomers and temporary workers constantly tell us. Working as an assistent in the spot of catering has shown me varied days of work. Entertaining as it is, it has even inspired me to pursue getting a degree as a basic cook, and anything I am willing to do beyond, despite having a degree for a different field already.
It's history goes back as far as the early 20's, and to this day, it holds titles from it's age when it was still an actual factory. Titles such as The Warehouse(which is not the actual current warehouse), Silo 61 and the Jute Cellar are at first confusing, but then it becomes clear that they add to the industrial theme that is still being used.

The Factory is nowadays first and foremost an event organization, where large parties, congresses, auctions, fairs and meetings are planned, discussed and scheduled by our people. When many come over, hired employees are used for different professions such as security, paramedics and entertainers.

Impressive as the interior locations can be, each day being able to look quite different than before, the amount of work to be found in each event can be stunning. Personally, I am most of all responsible for the buffets for colleagues as well as other attending ones. Well known famous Dutch people may even be present, here and then.

Next to the events, The Factory is quite known for it's sub location surrounding most of the inner area, where the sport known as Go-Kart can be done. Starting with this sport at first, it was able to grow larger due to it's success and eventually become the popular party place to be, situated in the middle of the country.

It happens to be an unusual place where all sorts of things can happen, from regular to quite crazy. Personally, factories in general have had quite an interest upon me, so I am glad to be a part of this business.

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