Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad is a popular TV series about a chemistry teacher gone bad by the time he hears of his dreadful news of having lung cancer. As if he is finally awake and alive now, Walter White leads a double life of a family man and a “cooker”, who eventually turns into a force of a drug producer along with his partner and former student of him, Jesse Pinkman, a professional but addictive drug dealer. Along the way, both of them must keep their personal lives stable with their hidden illegal work, while their partnership usually hangs on the edge because of the dangerous events happening, and because of their unmistaken differences.

The first season was just a warm-up, and the latter episodes of season 2 is where things started to get more thick and interesting. Some highlights of the series are in S2 a turtle with a severed head on its top walking around in the desert, then blowing up, killing policia, and Walter throwing a chemical on the ground and the building explodes partly in S1. The series continues to hold up well with Season 3, and Season 4 seems to be the best one yet.

It’s one of those series that doesn’t necessarily have a deep plot, but the direction of it and it's characters just continued to let me watch it. Character and plot development both are well done and most of the time, I wondered what would happen next. “Het kijkt lekker weg” I would say, in Dutch.

Rating: 8.0(Thanks to Season 4!)

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